Sign Rental

Rental Prices:

1 Day – $5.00

1 Week – $20.00

1 Month – $45.00


If rented by weeks, each additional week is $10.00. Logo or Picture added is an additional $2.00. Maximum space to comfortable fit message is 4 lines total. West Mifflin #3 reserves the right to alter logo to fit format of sign and will contact buyer to review for approval. Sign rentals should be made with at least 2 days notice before the date that it will be posted. Signs that are rented will stay in rotation for 6-8 seconds per slide (depending on extent of sign message).


If interested in renting our sign please contact (412) 466-6806


Thank you!

West Mifflin #3 Volunteer Fire Company



© 2021 West Mifflin #3 Volunteer Fire Company